LOYS Global System


“LOYS invests in high-quality companies that cost less than their intrinsic value”.

The LOYS Global System is a more rules-based relative of the LOYS Global and caters to the needs of institutional clients. Despite sharing the same investment universe and investment philosophy its uniqueness is demonstrated by appointing Ufuk Boydak as the lead Portfolio Manager.

The LOYS Global System’s institutional approach is characterized by:

  • Full investment to take full advantage of  the oftentimes limited equity allocation of institutions
  • High degree of diversification

What makes the LOYS Global System different?

Due to the its focus on investing in global stocks and its value oriented approach to asset management the LOYS Global System can be regarded as a one stop solution to gain exposure to the global stock markets.

The fund is diversified globally and has an active approach to investing. When selecting individual stocks LOYS relies on its internally developed valuation tool. It compares the value of our projected future cash flows with the current market value of the company, thus determining whether the company is over- or undervalued.

Who is responsible?

The stock selection process is spearheaded by Ufuk Boydak and Dr. Christoph Bruns. The portfolio managers are supported by a team of 4 analysts and portfolio administrators. Driven by daily exchange of ideas the fund managers seek to identify the best ideas for the particular fund. Mr. Ufuk Boydak has been at LOYS since 2009 and backs the investment philosophy and process of LOYS with his full conviction while being invested in the fund himself.

What is the fund’s goal?

The Fund aims at the long-term preservation and appreciation of capital. The stated goal is to ensure the LOYS Global’s sustainable success by adhering to our fundamental investment criteria. The fund’s goal is to significantly outperform common alternatives (stock indices, bonds, money market instruments) during a time period that is adequate for the stock markets. The still relatively small size of the fund allows to invest in smaller rising companies. At the same time the fund is broadly diversified by having no more than 2.5% of the fund volume invested in one single stock while aiming to be fully invested at all times.


LOYS Global System share classes