Which topics influenced the market during the past month?

How did the LOYS Funds perform? Which events were in the focus of our LOYS fund management team thins month? Fresh off the press, the anwers to these questions can be found in our monthly commentaries.

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10. Oktober 2024

Commerzbank as part of the government drama act

Commerzbank has been making headlines recently, following the German government's decision to gradually sell off its...

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05. September 2024

Agenda 2030

The coalition government in Germany cannot produce a figure akin to Gerhard Schröder. Yet the economic situation bears striking similarities to the time when...

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08. August 2024

UBS wealth report

The former Credit Suisse, now a subsidiary of UBS, has published its annual wealth report under the name of its new owner. As in previous years, the...

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09. Juli 2024

France at a crossroads

France's political landscape took on considerable momentum in June. Triggered by the results of the European elections, French President Macron...

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06. Juni 2024

Movement in Great Britain

Parliamentary elections will be held on the British Isles in July. The most important question is whether a future government will be able to...

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08. Mai 2024

Slight correction on stock markets

Over the past four weeks, stock prices have been as unpredictable as the weather. Overall, April can be classified as a month of...

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11. April 2024

Temporary and permanent

Milton Friedman, the renowned American economist, once famously remarked that nothing seems as permanent as a temporary government program. If you...

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07. März 2024

Promising Opportunities for reforms

It's undeniable: Germany’s development of prosperity is declining. Acknowledging this fact, essential reforms become possible that...

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08. Februar 2024

New Year, Old Patterns

The new trading year began on the stock markets much like the old one ended. American technology stocks once again captured the attention of many...

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16. Januar 2024

Interest rate trends shape financial market year

Over the past twelve months, the global financial markets have been at their most exciting. It was an eventful year and...

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12. Dezember 2023

Have interest rates peaked?

November brought a strong bull market on the bond markets. Bond prices soared as further interest rate hikes by the central banks became...

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09. November 2023

Multiple Crises Dampen Markets

Markets had to bow down to a multitude of problems in October. A significant rise in interest rates is certainly the main concern. Rates...

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17. Oktober 2023

Stocks Suppressed by Higher Rates

Observing developments of the stock indices shows, the stock market year 2023 has so far taken a fairly positive course overall....

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12. September 2023

The Tide is turning

Ludwig Erhard is said to have stated that economics is 50% psychology. The same is also said of the stock market, and in politics, the same may be...

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10. August 2023

End to key interest rate hikes?

Recently, hopes of an imminent end to key interest rate hikes by central banks spread across global financial markets. This led to rising...

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06. Juli 2023

BCG Wealth Report with Expectable Results

Recently, the consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG) published a report outlining global developments of financial wealth...

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07. Juni 2023

The Beast That Is Inflation

The latest remarks by German finance minister Lindner, might be considered worthy to become word of the year. When he spoke about inflation,...

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11. Mai 2023

Brexit winner Paris.

The British must have been aware when they left the EU that London, as the leading financial center, would have to “lose ground“. Thus, even...

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06. April 2023

Interest rate turnaround has consequences.

Interest rates have been rising for well over a year. After almost four decades of falling and, ultimately, even negative...

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09. März 2023

Concerns about prosperity are growing.

For some months now, media voices have been warning of deindustrialization and a further decline in real prosperity levels. In any...

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09. Februar 2023

A strong start to the new year for LOYS funds

The LOYS equity funds got off to a good start in January. Without exception, all of the company's funds posted significant...

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10. Januar 2023

Year of the interest rate turnaround

During 2022, no topic was as decisive for the financial markets as the change of direction in interest rates. Since the U.S. subprime...

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08. Dezember 2022

Stock market mood brightens

Anyone who does not regularly follow economic developments has recently been surprised by an improvement in economic and, above all, stock...

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08. November 2022

Debt and Interest Markets

Interest rate markets tasks include the permanent review of issuers' creditworthiness. In this process, market participants form an opinion on...

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11. Oktober 2022

Wealth recession

'Recession' is becoming an established word in the public debate. The economic departments of banks and research institutes are also predicting a decline...

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08. September 2022

Bear market rally slowed down

The stock markets initially had a good start into August. Despite the many problem areas, the bond and stock markets rose significantly in...

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04. August 2022

Corporate earnings under pressure

In the past four weeks, many listed companies reported their half-year figures. The overall impression is that conditions have become...

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07. Juli 2022

Turning point in Europe

The eternally oscillating cycle of upswing and downturn has led financial markets into new waters. A new era has begun after four decades of...

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09. Juni 2022

'Stock pension'

At the end of 2021, the impression could be gained that the so-called ‘traffic light coalition’ was preparing the introduction of an additional...

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05. Mai 2022

Belt tightening

If you look at media headlines, you might think you're in a dream concert. The Minister of Agriculture is calling for the abolition of value-added tax on...

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07. April 2022


Looking at the history of mankind, you will see that wars have often set the course for future developments. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is no exception....

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03. März 2022

War in Ukraine

The unimaginable for many has become true: War reigns again in Europe. Yet again, Carl von Clausewitz has been proven right: "War is the continuation...

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03. Februar 2022

Price correction marks the start of the year

The stock market start into the new year was clearly spoiled in January. After a splendid 21, markets went into correction...

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06. Januar 2022

LOYS equity funds compensate for inflation

The word of the year could be the word inflation. The spectacular increase in the general cost of living to over 5% was not...

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09. Dezember 2021

“Conditions for interest rate increase in 2022 not met”

The President of the European Central Bank has made it clear that a departure from the negative interest rate...

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09. November 2021

Energy Crisis ?

With the Corona pandemic now largely over, new dark clouds have appeared in recent weeks. Capital markets and politicians are concerned by exorbitant...

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07. Oktober 2021

Movement in China and Germany

The stock markets saw a price correction in September. Triggered by concerns about the solvency of Evergrande, a Chinese real estate...

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08. September 2021

Teflon Stock Exchange

One of the main characteristics of this stock market boom of the century is the robustness of price developments despite crisis-ridden economic...

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05. August 2021

Unease among China's stock market darlings

China's rise in recent decades is by no means limited to industrially produced goods. Although it is still possible to speak of...

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08. Juli 2021

The U.S. announces interest rate turnaround

The U.S. Federal Reserve, in the person of its President Powell, has announced raising short-term interest rates. Interest...

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08. Juni 2021

Turnaround in interest rates?

Major developments in financial markets usually emanate from the United States. Its large, broad, and deep capital market sets the trends...

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06. Mai 2021

Risk management

Great words are subject to wear and tear or inflate over time, as observers of life know. Overuse occasionally dilutes them beyond recognition. The words...

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08. April 2021

Inflation ante portas

Central banks acted wisely by calmly suggesting for months that a significant increase in the inflation rate would be acceptable and not fought in...

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04. März 2021

Stock markets burdened by interest rate fears

A specter is haunting the stock markets, one might say in reference to Karl Marx's famous Communist Manifesto. However, it...

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04. Februar 2021

Stock markets off to a mixed start to the year

Despite initial momentum, January proved to be a volatile stock market month with an overall downward trend, especially...

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07. Januar 2021

A bizarre stock market year 2020

The stock market year 2020 ended how it opened, with a friendly mood. However, the period between its beginning and end truly had it all....

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2020 2019
05. Dezember 2019

31. Oktober 2019

30. September 2019

31. August 2019

31. Juli 2019

30. Juni 2019

31. Mai 2019

30. April 2019

31. März 2019

28. Februar 2019

31. Januar 2019

31. Dezember 2018

30. November 2018

31. Oktober 2018

30. September 2018

31. August 2018

31. Juli 2018

30. Juni 2018

31. Mai 2018

30. April 2018

31. März 2018

28. Februar 2018

31. Januar 2018

31. Dezember 2017

30. November 2017

31. Oktober 2017

30. September 2017

31. August 2017

31. Juli 2017

30. Juni 2017

31. Mai 2017

30. April 2017

31. März 2017

28. Februar 2017

31. Januar 2017

31. Dezember 2016

30. November 2016

31. Oktober 2016

30. September 2016

31. August 2016

31. Juli 2016

30. Juni 2016

31. Mai 2016

30. April 2016

31. März 2016

29. Februar 2016

31. Januar 2016

31. Dezember 2015

30. November 2015

31. Oktober 2015

30. September 2015

31. August 2015

31. Juli 2015

30. Juni 2015

31. Mai 2015

30. April 2015

31. März 2015

28. Februar 2015

31. Januar 2015

31. Dezember 2014

15. Dezember 2014